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download mp3 players for motorola z3
Name: download mp3 players for motorola z3
Category: Downloads
Published: woomilrighback1981
Language: English
The Illustrated Man wishes the hated images off his body. They predict the future. At night, the pictures move. He tells the narrator an old woman, a time traveler who returned to the future made the tattoos. He wants to find her and kill her for tattooing him. Prologue: The Illustrated Man Summary. This section contains 330 words (approx. 1 page at 400 words per page) The narrator meets a man while walking one afternoon. The unemployed carnival worker with tattoos all over his body has been unable to keep a job for forty years. He asks if the narrator knows where he can find a job, but the narrator does not know. The Illustrated Man then joins the narrator for the night. The sun goes down. The Illustrated Man says that at night his tattoos tell a story,with one special tattoo that tells the future of the person watching it. The Illustrated Man. The Illustrated Man - Prologue: The Illustrated Man Summary & Analysis.